Intellectual Property (IP)

Intellectual Property is a set of legally enforceable rights emanating from intellectual creativity in the fields of industrial, scientific, literary and performing arts. Intellectual property is divided into two categories, “industrial property” and “copyright.” Different countries have their own jurisdictions to ensure protection of Intellectual Property. Relevant law in Sri Lanka is covered in the Intellectual Property Act No. 36 of 2003 whilst the apex organization is the National Intellectual Property Office (NIPO). Nevertheless, countries are also expected to oblige international conventions, agreements and treaties inter-alia Paris convention, Berne convention, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), Hague agreement, Madrid agreement and agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) where relevant and applicable.


Intellectual property shall include rights relating to:  

  • Scientific discoveries
  • Industrial designs
  • Performances of performing artists, phonograms and broadcasts
  • Literary, artistic and scientific works
  • Inventions in all fields of human endeavor
  • Trademarks & service marks including commercial names
  • Geographical Indications