Where Creativity Transformed into Wealth

We make your creativity matters by guiding you through the process from A-Z on Intellectual Property protection, commercialization and wealth creation

Invention is a solution to a specific problem in the field of technology. An invention may relate to a product or a process. Innovation is ‘doing things differently having an impact’.

Invention is a solution to a specific problem in the field of technology. An invention may relate to a product or a process. Innovation is ‘doing things differently having an impact’.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property is a set of legally enforceable rights emanating from intellectual creativity in the fields of industrial, scientific, literary and performing arts. Intellectual property is divided into two categories, “industrial property” and “copyright.”


What is the IP Commercialization

IP commercialization is an important way in which IP contributes to the knowledge economy. IP is a “power tool” for economic development and wealth creation. IP value can be generated through royalty income. Royalties represent future revenues in exchange for the exploitation of the IP right.



A patent is a document, issued, upon application, by a government to an inventor by which the inventor is given statutory right to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention for a specified period of time. A patented invention may not be commercially exploited in the country by persons.


Why Should We Protect
Your IP

We should protect IP due to three main reasons, namely to safeguard creators, to foster creativity and innovation and to stimulate innovation.


How Should Protect
Your IP

Inventors who wish to protect their IP should make a formal request to the Director General of National Intellectual Property Office along with an application to a specified format. If IP rights are granted, his/her IP is protected withing Sri Lanka.


Our Achievements


Protected IP




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How can you know whether your

Invention is patentable?

An invention must meet the following criteria if it is to be eligible for patent protection.

  • Invention must be within the scope of patentable subject matter in a given jurisdiction.
  • Invention must be industrially applicable
  • It must be new (novel),
  • It must exhibit a sufficient “inventive step” (non-obviousness)